Sunday, October 10, 2004

It's been so long...

…since I’ve been around. Jings and, indeed, crivvens. Haven’t updated this for what seems like a hundred years. It appears I’ve been overtaken by the whirlwind pace of life in the west Highlands!

A lot has happened since the last update, too much to write about perhaps. This is a bit like how I got on with my first attempt at diary-keeping this year: if I missed a day or two I always tried to catch up but it never worked and I just got fed up with it. I’ve not written in my diary since the 24th of June… I digress, as ever, this weekend we’ve had our first visitors. Gail’s friend from work, Sue, and her husband, Davie, came up to help with the electrics – Davie has his own electrical business. It’s not so much the business that is electrical – that sounds all wrong. Davie is an electrician. That’s better. Anyway, we now have working lights, an outside light and no manky “Dimplex” panel convectors on the wall. Which is nice.

Panel convectors. Heaters to you and I. Heating is an issue – in that we have none. Well, an oil filled radiator and a halogen heater is about it. There’s a multi-fuel stove on order but we haven’t heard much for a few weeks on that score. In anticipation of its arrival and our impending need to chop wood, I built a wood shed type thing from a rotten old fence panel we found behind the shed. It used to look like this: now it looks like this:

Well, I liked it! Even recycled the nails and everything…

DIY is a bit of a theme – last weekend was spent atop the shed in the pouring rain, re-felting it in order to stop the drips caused by weeks of torrential rail. I seem to spend a lot of time up a ladder or with a screwdriver in hand at the moment. I really must get out more. That said, we tried to get out last week – off to Acharacle on Friday night for a fish supper in the campervan. Two problems there; 1: chippy closed for the winter (!), 2: campervan stinking of petrol – only four weeks after the new fuel tank and pipes were fitted. We got that sorted on the Monday but still haven’t had the fish supper…hopefully this will be rectified later this week on our proposed trip to Mull. I’m now off for the half-term break and the ferry terminal is but a 25 minute drive away. Balamory here we come…