Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Jings, crivvens, help ma boab!

That's twenty-two days between postings now. Shocking display. Still, I've had a lot on...

I must share the most surreal experience to date of my time here...I was in one of my school's the other day and the Feis tutors were in - these are the folks who do musical things with the kids in the Gaelic Medium classes.

Well, they were in the hall working with a group of children on penny whistles and violins, whilst two of the older boys tuned their guitars - one electric, one acoustic. As the tutor led the fiddlers and whistlers in a bit of Celtic diddly-eye, the lads could be heard jamming, ever louder, with a bit of Smoke on the Water...dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, de-dah.


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