Tuesday, July 20, 2004

There is a light...

We hope.  Looks like we're going to go for the Strontian property - it's a good price and a reasonable property - a few quid will make it better but in the meantime it will get us up there and get us started.
(Re)Decorating at our own house is progressing nicely, and there's just the mammoth clear-up and packing operation to contend with.  We have slight concerns over the apparent downturn in the Edinburgh property market and the fact that there are two very similar properties in the next street to ours currenytly up for sale.  We shall see...
Anyway, we went to arrange a hypothetical mortgage yesterday and chased surveyors and the Highland Council (no contract yet!) to get things moving along a bit quicker.  Hopefully things will start to come together this week and we can gear up for the big move.  There are times when it all seems so far away again, not Ardnamurchan physically, but the whole project - there's so little time and so much to do.


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